While a Catholic education is important, we understand that investing in a private school education can be financially difficult. Almost 40% of EHS students receive financial assistance and grants, up to a maximum of 55% of tuition and standard fees.
Edgewood uses Tuition Aid Data Services (TADS) to process financial assistance requests and determine each family’s financial need. TADS uniformly collects the necessary information from each family, audits it and provides this information to Edgewood to be used as a tool for dentifying and matching need-based assistance with our families. All information is kept confidential.
2025-26 Financial Assistance Grant Application Process
While Edgewood annually awards over $1.1 million in grants, the amount of financial assistance available is not unlimited. The relative need demonstrated in the online application, as well as the number of applicants each year, affects the number and amount of financial assistance grants awarded. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible.
Financial assistance is not automatically renewed each year. An application for assistance must be filed annually.
PREPARE: TADS Application Worksheet 2025-26
- Completing this worksheet is optional, however, it will ensure you have all of the necessary information ready to submit your application.
- A listing of necessary documents is included on the top of the worksheet.
- TIP: File your taxes ASAP! You will need to include your 2024 filed federal taxes with the application form.
APPLY: TADS Application Form
- Application Available: Friday, January 31, 2025
- Deadline (Round 1): Monday, March 31, 2025
- Decision Notification (Round 1): Tuesday, April 15, 2025
- After Round 1, new applications will be processed on a rolling basis every six (6) weeks.
2025-26 Tuition Rates
Tuition rates will be determined by the Edgewood High School Board of Directors and be announced in April, when available.
2024-25 Tuition Rates
The following provides an overview of the actual costs and tuition, by class. Please note that these rates are subject to change.
International Student
International Senior
Subsidy provided each student by donors*
Tuition & Standard Fees
Graduation Fee
Edgewood’s Cost to Educate a Student
Wisconsin Tax Credit
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue - Schedules PS (Private School) allows parents to deduct up to $10,000 per student in grade 9-12 at a Catholic high school, regardless of income. Parents with students in grades in K-8 at a Catholic grade school may deduct up to $4,000. If a student moves from grade 8 to high school in the same tax year, parents may claim both tuition expenses up to $10,000.