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If you're a graduate and need a transcript, please complete ONE of the steps below:

  1. Visit our third-party vendor, Parchment.  If you have an account, go ahead and log in (if you forgot your password, simply click on "Forgot Password?").  If you don't have an account, click on "Sign Up" to create your account.  As you prepare to request your transcript, please note that you do NOT need to complete the full user profile. You may go directly to "order transcript."  Transcripts ordered via Parchment is the fastest way to get your transcript to its destination!

    Order Credentials from Parchment

  2. Download and fill out the Alumni Transcript Request form.  Then mail $5 ATTN Student Services to the Student Services Department at the address on the form.  You should receive your transcript in 7-10 days.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Monica Ladell at 608-257-1023, ext. 125.