Celebrating 25 Years
Edgewood in the Community I Wednesday, September 25
Edgewood High School is built on a foundation of Catholic service to the community. For one day each fall, as an integral part of our homecoming activities, the entire student body, faculty and staff put down the books for Edgewood in the Community (EIC), a day of volunteering in service to our neighbors. This service day jump-starts students’ excitement for our mission to serve and gives them an early opportunity to connect with work and organizations they may serve in the future. EIC has been held annually since 2000, including modified versions during the 2020-21 pandemic years.
After a prayer service, students, faculty, staff and volunteers boarded buses that take them to randomly assigned locations. Students work in groups that include members of all four grades, a faculty/staff leader, and sometimes a parent volunteer.
Thank you to our 2024 EIC Sponsors!
If you or your business is interested in sponsoring Edgewood in the Community, please contact EHS Development Office.
Gold Level

Maroon Level

Crusader Level