Each EHS family has at least one PowerSchool PARENT/GUARDIAN Account for checking grades, receiving timely communications, and registering your student(s). If you have problems logging into your account, or do not have access to a computer at home, please e-mail John Hylkema.
Parent Portal
Parents can also log into our Learning Management System, Schoology. Schoology works in concert with PowerSchool to bring content to students organized by courses. Parents may be interested in the assignment calendars, upcoming activities, and syllabi that can be found in Schoology. Login information was emailed to you.
Contact John Hylkema if you need assistance.
Parent Schoology Login
Students, Edgewood uses Single Sign On with Google. If you are using the Chrome Browser and logged in with your edgewoodhs.org account, use the links below to get to PowerSchool and Schoology.
PowerSchool for Students
Schoology for Students
PowerSchool Admin
PowerSchool Sub Login
Edgewood High School PowerSchool district code is NTHQ