The Alumni Ambassador program is an exciting volunteer role open to any Edgewood High School alumni who are interested in serving as a volunteer “ambassador” to their graduating class.
The primary role of the Alumni Ambassador is to be a passionate representative for your class and alma mater. Ambassadors work to strengthen connections by updating contact information of fellow alumni and are asked to share pertinent alumni news and Edgewood happenings with classmates via social media. They also serve as a resource for planning reunion events and keeping Edgewood informed about fellow classmates' noteworthy life changes.
Ambassadors are asked to communicate any updates with the Alumni Engagement Manager twice a year. There can also be more than one ambassador per class.
View full details of the Ambassador Duties and Responsibilities.
Ready to be an Ambassador? Please fill out the Commitment Form online or print it off and email/mail it back to us.
We look forward to working with you!
[email protected]
608-257-1023 x169